Friday, March 31, 2006

Listen to the band.

Last night we went to "Club 85" for some gigging sounds dudes.
On, for one night only, was the Carnival's own Nicky Price who is the front man of the band Overdose.
They took the place by storm.
Best band of the night by a long way.
Highlight of the set was a rocking version of their classic "My Dreams"
The crowd was jumping, the place was rocking and we were rolling.
We'd had a few beers!



Monday, March 27, 2006

A local ride for local people.

This Sunday we started out on a nice sunny local XC ride.
How nice is it to ride in the sunshine and not to be cluttered with loads of layers of clothing?
We managed to do a few stunts on the way over to Hertford.
Then it was time to introduce Dyson's Drop to the uninitiated.
This is a nasty little steep bumpy drop into a dog-leg right turn before continuing down to a chalky off camber finish.
If you miss the dog-leg you hit the tree that is placed there to "Rip yer spine out!".
Well the first-timers did the drop with ease.
Stevo did it in two bite sized chunks (but it still counts).
Nicky and Debbie rode it as if they had done it for years.
I was hoping for a bit more drama from them all because, a couple of years back, this drop was, for me, about as scary as it gets.
Well done Stevo, Nicky and Debbie.
Then we went off to Hartum for a couple of steep drops.
I hear one of the lads fell off there but didn't see any evidence of that.
I was too busy exploring the slope for new drops.
I found a couple but I'd have to Kill Yer if I told you about them.
On the way home we stopped and sessioned some off camber up-slopes with drops and trees to get over/around at the top if you survived the full out blast up the slope.
Comedy moments from both Eric and James (Halford) as they missed their lines completely and just hit an unsuspecting tree.
We were all relieved that no damage was done.......(to the tree).
Big up's to all who attempted them.
We finished off with some drops off the aerodrome concrete plinth.
Not so much a XC ride as an unplanned tour around all our favourite play and stunt areas.
Roll on next ride.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Suprise visit to Chicksands

Due to a severe weather warning Sunday morning we decided to change riding venues from the Peaks to Chicksands.
The place was deserted and so we took advantage of that to do as many stupid stunts as we could.
There were two stars of the day.
No.1 was Gill who rode more North Shore than ever before.
She cleared all but the final see-saw on the section on top of the hill.
She only missed that because she was so suprised to survive the final skinny section.

No. 2 Was Nicky who after several attempts cleaned that same section and then kept coming back for more.

He had earned his luck earlier on in the day.

Unlike me who rode the log like a seasoned pro every time.
Not every time.

Great fun had by all though.

Monday, March 06, 2006

At last. Some lovely Sunshine.

This Sunday we had a great local ride.
The sun came out and you could almost believe it was summer.
The morning ground frost gave us loads of grip and no mud.
It was all so nice we decided to take a camera with us.
We did loads of stunts to pretend we were back in Chamonix again.
A few drop-off's, rooty drop-ins and Hertfordshire's only switchback.
Later in the day the sun thawed the ground enough for us to start slipping and sliding all over the place.
Oh how we laughed.
Gill and I didn't want to come back home but after 5 hours I guess we had to.
We have to remember that some of the others have a life after MTBing!

Gill going off Letty Green platform.
We spent 10 mins here going off various parts of the platform.

Debbie crossing a stream in Wormley Woods.