Thursday, April 27, 2006

I got my wish!

I did say "I want my big bike back."
And back I got it.
And big it is.
Bloody big!
With Borrowed All Mountain SL forks bolted on.
These are set to 150mm so it looks like a Chopper bike and feels like a motorcycle scrambler.
Just sitting on it makes you want to do all those funny motor noises.
"Barrrrrrgghhhhh .. oooooommmmmm..pahhhhhg.."
(wild revving noise).
It's making me smile just thinking about riding it up a mountain.
Afan tomorrow.........for 4 days riding (and eating and drinking).
See some of you there.
See you others whan we get back.
Have a good weekend.

Monday, April 24, 2006

"Just another manic Sunday........."

Well Sunday came and I had no XC bike to ride.
Up in the attic I never know what you can find up there eh?
Down-stairs I came with my little play bike.
14" frame, Magura hydraulic rim brakes that rub all the time and a seatpost just about long enough for a Dwarf with short legs.
That'll do nicely!
Did I meantion it rained?
I did kind of enjoy the ride.
11 of us turned out.
We did about 4 hours of XC riding.
The ups were painful.
The downs were good fun on the little bike.
The flat bits were ok ish.
I managed to clear the scary log that marks the start of the bridalway just after the woodyard.
Been looking at that one for a year or so.
It has nasty metal spikes sticking up that hold it in place.
They have kept me off of it until this week.
That is the good thing about riding little bike. It's always up to the job if there's a stunt to pull.
Nice to have Peter join us for a Sunday ride. I guess riding planks in the wet isn't the most enjoyable thing to do.
Did I meantion it was raining?
I DID enjoy the ride but felt exhausted and a bit ill in the evening.
I want my BIG bike back NOW!
Roll on Friday.
Afan for four days....
Weh hay..........

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Easter Carnival

We had a couple of great rides over Easter.
Friday we rode local and Showed the Lovely Ed our favourite play areas.
There was some good riding going on.
James (Mickey) cleaned the right left corner section on the Boardwalk.
He's gonna bragg about that for a while.
Most of the others (including me) didn't make it.
The ride was finished off with a pint of beer and some chips at the golf course.
And the sun shined. :O)
Sunday we went to Chicksands to get our fix of silly stuff.
The sun came out again.
Everyone seemed to be trying something new.
Hats off to James (Mickey) who risked life and limb on the North Shore at the top of the hill.
Well done to James (Halford) and Gill who overcame the scary monsters to do the Berm drop.
They then got all cocky and both dropped Son of Ladder straight after.
It was scary to be watching but they did it safely and with style.
I daren't think what is next!!!
Another great day out.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Local Sunday ride

It's the charm of mountain biking. Every ride you find new stuff to ride.
Even out on our local trails (which we know inside out) we find new fiddly bits to fall off.....of.
While we arsed about on Herts only switchback Mickey was discovering a new dropdown for us to play on.
We got stuck in straight away.
10 minutes later we had to drag the boys away from having "one last go".

We had quite a few crashes during the morning.
No lasting damage. Only bruised ego's.

The ride finished with us sessioning a section of three log piles.
The last of these had a difficult lefthand turn onto it which saw more that one comedy dismount.

It was hard work riding home against a blustery wind but we took home with us a few stories that can be exagerated for re-telling later.

As usual. More pictures on my Fotopic website. Just click from across there (points to the right).
It's what you right hand is for!