Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A practice road ride.

This Sunday we had a nice little ride to get into the groove ready for the London to Brighton.
We set off for an hour and a half road ride.
Road ride!?
It was a lovely day for once so the ride to the transport cafe was ok if you like roads.
Actually it wasn't bad at all.
We kept to country lanes so were only threatened with "death by Ford Escort" a couple of times.
Lunch was great.
A healthy fry-up.
Most of us rode home off road which was more my cup of tea.
Shame that it had rained solid for about 5 years beforehand and that most of the trails were boggy swamps.
It made a three hour ride into a four hour ride.
(or was that me who slowed up things by having 2 punctures and a broken spoke?)
All was made better after the ride by a jolly good BBQ and plenty to drink.
Many thanks to Haydn for planning the route.
A nice touch was having the ride pass the same church twice to give us different views of it.
And a big thank you to Steve and Tracy for the BBQ afterwards.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Son of ladder.

A few weeks ago we were over Chicksands playing on all the stunts there.
Gill and Halford James both dropped off Son of Ladder for the first time.
This picture was grabbed from the video we were shooting.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Up-date on Wobbly Knee.

Just passing by Wobbly Knee on Sunday.
Took the opportunity to ride it a couple of times (as you do).
Eric has been gagging to do the drop so we waited as he sized it up a couple of times.
And a few more times.
He was making US nervous by stopping right on the lip of the drop!
Well he made it over in the end and seemed to enjoy it.
Cos he went back up for another go.
Well done Eric.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Wobbly Knee Drop.

John Stalker has asked for a picture of Wobbly Knee drop.
So here it is.
Slap bang in the middle of the Mardley Bowl.
It's a nice little step-down.
Thanks to James for the picture

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

May 7th Local riding.

This Sunday we had a local ride.
Left Alex at home (see below).
Plan was to have a little peep at a drop or two that we have been eyeing up for ages.
On arrival the daring Mr. Price was up for it so pads on and....
Off he went..
He made it look easy.
So. It would be rude not to follow him wouldn't it?
Off I went.
Yep. Easy.
Chris and I watched from the bottom of the drop as Nicky aproached the lip.
And off he went too...........(didn't see that one coming!)
That made us laugh.
Then Mark decided it had to be done.
Gill wasn't to be out done either.
We all felt happy with our work there.
A cirtain splinter group has been heard to say that drop is called Gay drop because it's so small.
So. Chris, Gill, Mark, Nicky.........."you gayers!"

It is called Wobbly Knee Drop really.

Afan..it was a good weekend....it was a bad weekend.

Where to start??
We went to Afan for a long weekend with all our riding buddies.
Staying at the lovely Gelli Farm we planned to ride every day and party every night.
We arived at the farm Friday morning.
Stashed all the luggage and went for a ride.
Great weather. Rather warm and dry.
Back in the evening the rest of the Carnival arived.
Saturday was just as nice.
Rode in the morning and again in the afternoon.
Terry did the traditional BBQ in the evening and we partied on down.
Unfortunately, Terry and son Mark were very ill in the night.
(finger points to Terry's cooking)
Just one of those things really because we were all eating the same food.
Sunday was a bit of a disaster.
I sat on my bike to set off on the next ride and the front hub fell apart.
As I was trying to sort out a wheel from the shop the call went out that Alex had fallen off her bike.
As it turned out after spending the day at A&E she had fractured a bone in her knee and done ligament damage.
We spent the last day at the farm sitting with her and her full leg cast watching DVD's.
We all had a great weekend as usual even if it was a little strange at times.
Next year we plan to go back to CYB and sampple the delights of the Dolgelli (SP) bunk house.