Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Rain rain rain rain ................

It's done nothing but rain over the last couple of weeks.
We still go out and ride in it but it does take the edge off the fun and games a bit.
I suppose you have to earn your good days eh?
And we do have good days.
It's just hard to remember them as you're plugging through foot deep mud and failing to get enough speed for that little jump that you'd been doing throughout the Summer.
We need a little reminder of what we were up to just a couple of weeks back.
Here's a short film clip to cheer you all up.

Happy days.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Return of the Alex. The Carnival Strikes Back.

A long long time ago.....
In (Afan) a Universe far far away.......
The Dark side took from us one of our own....
She has been in the wilderness for many months....
But now she has been returned to the Carnival....

And what better place to be for that return than...............

An elete band of merry men (and women) went over to Chicksands to have a good old muck around.
We actually had two ex- invalids with us.
Alex, of course, who is coming back from major knee surgery and Mark who is coming back from a major error in judgement and a broken hand.
We took with us the (new) headcam and another video camera to capture the day.
I wasn't expecting much in the way of special footage there but how wrong can you be??
We managed to capture enough good video to put together another Chickie film.
What can we call it?
I know..
Chicksands 3!
Gill managed to capture the biggest prang I've seen in a while.
A couple of chaps who followed me down the XC section just after the jump area.
With video still running..Gill captured the trailing guy coming in to land nose down......
Yoicks....... cabin doors to automatic!!
He survived with a lot of gravel rash and broken Sunnies.
He was more concerned that the glasses were Oaklies and borrowed from his riding partner.
A great day had by all and a few new jumps and drops nailed.