Monday, December 11, 2006

You know when something is bugging you .............

Do you ever get that feeling??
Something's been bugging you but you don't quite know what it is.
Ever since the council put "that" fence around the Mardley bowl it has been a little challenge in my head to still ride all our favourite drops.
Why should we let them spoil our harmless fun?
We did go back and ride drops each end of the fence.
Then, looking back at my previous post about Mardley, I saw that I had written.
"Wobbly Knee is not doable. No run in."
THAT is what has been bugging me.
I have looked a couple of times and there was about half a bike length between the drop and the inside of the fence.
This Sunday we took a nice little ride over that way.
Once at Mardley, Chris found a new drop-off.
It had a nice run-in and looked a good drop for us to do.
He managed to get it squirley as he landed on wet leaves.
That made us laugh.
No doubt, we'll be back there to all have a go.
Then off to Wobbly Knee.
I had a couple (3-4) of dummy runs and nearly manage to throw my bike off the edge but finally managed the tight turn and off the drop I went.
Following that we had Nicky, Chris and Gill going off it.
I was really pleased that we have now managed to do (almost) all the drops that were fenced off from us a few months ago.
Carnival 1 ... Council 0.
A special well done goes to Alex who rode the complete ride although she was very tired at the end.
It can only get easier my girl.
We had the usual slips and crashes during the ride from a few of the Carnival.
Mini took a heavy fall and moaned about his ankle, knee, hip, wrist and everything else. you do..
James "Mickey" showed Mini how to do the front end crash properly.
Straight down like a sack of spuds and then leap back up with a grin on your face.
He he he.... A classic comedy dismount.
A good ride had by all.