Wednesday, February 28, 2007

So I learned from Eric's!

Here we go then.
Recently I have been showing how skilled some of the Carnival are on video.
I think it is my turn to demonstrate the skill it takes to become a Carnival Ringmaster.
Clicky Delbert is an Idiot thingy.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

In the old days........We were Kings.

Not many people know this but....
In August 2003 The Carnival were at the forefront....the cutting edge....the big honcho's of Northshore building and riding in this country.
In the depths of a little wooded area in Broxbourne we honed our skills on wooden constructions.
One mans talent shone through as a top exponent of the art of skinny riding.
Ladies and gentlemen....
I give you......
Eric Spinks. (click)
I think we can all learn from his riding style.

Monday, February 26, 2007

(sings) I'm Swinley in the rain....just Swinley in the rain...

What a glorious feeling...
I'm happy again...

Looking out the car window on Sunday morning at the floods and lakes that had taken over the countryside..
It made me think.."where is Noah then?"
The rain had stopped by the time we arived at Swinley Forest.
There were some very muddy bikers milling about though.
10 riders turned up for the Carnival.
We were pleased to find that the forest held up well, even with all the rain we must have had overnight.
Not having a local guide, we decided to wing it and, appart from one ride through gorse track hell, it seemed to go very well.
It was good to be back in the Berkshire loamy forest.
There was always a hidden trail to be discovered over the next hill.

Thanks to Stevo for being the Map carrier and all the others for peering over my shoulder and offering words of wisdom like............
"I remember being here before but don't know where we are."
"I think if you go up that steep hill over there there is a great bit of think!"
"Oh no. It must have been another hill I was thinking about!"
Joking aside. Many thanks to all for the help in keeping the ride going.
There were a few comedy moments to brighten the day.
The deep water filled hole at the end of the downhill run was a good place to get a few pictures.And then while messing about on some drops....
Mark "Matador" Sims demonstrating how NOT to be a catcher for Gill.
Here she comes...
Oh. She's coming off!
Mark! (he sweeps his hands away from the falling Gill with a dramatic twist if the body)
Nice one mate.
The fry up in torrential rain was funny at the end.

More pictures here.

Thanks all for a good trip out.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Esher Shore

This Wednesday the whole Sol family had a day off. you do...
We went riding.
For something a little different we decided to investigate Esher Shore.
I have seen it in the bike mags and it looked really exciting.
When we arived we had a walk around.
It was all crammed into a very small area.
The beginner sections looked a bit easy for us.
The medium sections on closer look were a bit scary for us so we looked at the beginner sections again.
Once on the bikes we soon found that there was a big challenge in the "easy" stuff.
We sessioned the "easy"???? sections for about an hour without completing any section in one go.
Not that easy then eh.
It was great fun to have the park to ourselves.
The sun was out and we were in shirt sleeves for most of the time.
Not a bad day for February.
We are going to do it again soon.
Pictures here.
I do have video of me crashing big time but I' sure you you wouldn't want that on public display!
Would you.....?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

We fought the mud and the..mud won.

A nice Sunday ride in the mud..
Good for our skin at least!
We headed out Hertford way and soon found a few things to distract us from the mud-plugging.
The drop behind County Hall was done by everyone.

Yes. Even James made it look tame.

No idea why I'm trying to push him off.

The drop is aptly named.."Better Than Nothing"

A new jumpy bit of trail was found just above R1.

Now that is going to be fast and probably fatal for us in the Summer.
Nicky nearly managed to clip a tree as he came into land.

A bit to the left old son.

The weather stayed dry and mild for us which was nice.

A bit hard work in the mud but loads of fun.
A good mornings ride had by all.
All pictures here: