Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Spain. Sierra Nevada 2007

We're home from another international adventure.
Southern Spain.
Sierra Nevada.

We arrived on Saturday morning and had unpacked the bikes before you could say.....
....flipping heck it's bloody hot here.
Lunchtime we got straight out on the local trails.
Now...locally they have wicked thorn bushes.
We got back 3 hours later torn to shreds.

Weyy heyyy. Blood!
The evening was spent eating and drinking in town till we were full and pissed.

Sunday. First trip into the mountains. It was ok. I guess the guides have to find out what standard of riding a group are up to
seeing that we had 15-60 year olds, male and female.
The ride was a bit tame for us to be honest.
Oh. When I say tame.
Poor Terry still managed to get big air on one of the trails and break his collar bone.
Get well soon fella.
Evening we ate and drank big time.

Monday. Another trip out to sample the Spanish countryside.
We were made to work for the descents and big climbs in Spanish heat was a new experience for most of us.Phew.
I could see my weight dropping off as we were riding.
Thank goodness I put all back on in the evening!

Tuesday we were taken out to the mountains again.
We did a lot of climbing during the week. (Where's the fecking ski lifts?)
This time the riding was a lot more technical.
They gave us more techie stuff and got in return silly grins and
shouts of "more" and "bring it on".
Guy managed to eat dirt big time on one trail.
We dusted him down and stamped on his bike a bit to straighten it out.
On the final descent we arrived at a huge rutted drop with a very steep ending.
One guide confided in me that he didn't like it very much and would be pleased to give it a miss if we wanted.
He he he he.....
No way mate!
"We call it The Widow Maker" he says..........
In a cloud of dust...a 15 year old, 2 16 year old's, 2 women and most of the others were off down there.
Regrouping at the bottom it is my pleasure to tell the guides they have just renamed it "The Window Cleaner"
Many joke throughout the next few days about getting T shirts saying I've Done the Window Cleaner.
To celebrate we go out in the evening and eat and drink to excess.

Wednesday was the day off so we shopped before eating and drinking for the whole day.

Thursday was more riding in the mountains. Great views and brilliant trails.
Plenty of scary moments now (which is good).
Guess what we did in the evening?
Yep. Got it in one.

Friday's ride was probably the best day.
Loads of height gained by transit before climbing on the bikes and riding in an upwards direction for quite some time.

All worth it of course.
Lovely long descents and fantastic views of the area all the way down to the sea.
In the afternoon we rode a part of the area that has massive rocky boulders that you can ride across just like what you see on the telly.
After that ride we felt the need to celebrate.
So we went out and had a great meal followed by buckets of drink.

Saturday was our last day. Booooo!
I think we were meant to do a morning ride but it was obvious we are mental about our riding
so they took us out for a complete day ride before returning and packing the bikes in seconds flat.
Just enough time to get out and have a final meal before rushing back to get the airport transfer.
All in all a truly great week.
Loads of thanks to all the Sierra Cycles team.
Thanks to Alan who had no idea how many rooms any of his houses had.
Thanks Tom and Matt who couldn't work out why old people would want to risk life and limb but were still willing to point us to the nearest cliff edge.

BTW chaps..... Where's our T shirts?
Pictures are on the righthand clicky button for......er......Pictures.

We will be back.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Another Sunny ride

The weekend weather was great for biking again wasn't it?
Took a ride over the opposite direction to my favourite trails just because this weather I can.
In the rubbish weather the going gets very muddy and spoils the fun.
We had a brief stop on top of a field which looked out over miles and miles of beautiful countryside.
On the way home I took a detour and rode a very exciting and fast (and highly illegal) woodland trail.
Gill took the lead and boy did she go.
Made me laugh inside as we were thrashing around tight rooty corners and over small humps and shiv. I could only just keep up with her.
I don't usually play the hooligan on these trails but lately I have had to get my kicks where ever I can get them.
Gill was careering into tight turns and sliding through them drifting front and back wheels.
This is what our lovely Marins were built for.
Tight fast stuff that just needs to be blasted. How big were the smiles after that?
Didn't want to come home (again) so delayed the inevitable by stopping at our local fishing/sailing lake where we bought cuppas and cakes.
Then Gill and Alex took us down the road where they had discovered a rooty drop down from a high bank.
I couldn't scramble up the bank with my bike so stayed and acted as lookout so we/they didn't kill any pedestrians.
We had 15 mins of chaos there before turning for home.
Oh yes. Nearly forgot. Right near where we had started out from there is a BMX/skate park.
Yep. We just had to stop there for 5 mins and show the local kids that we (I can't) can teach them something.
To be honest, we only had one Carnival member who can ride a bike park properly.
I got him to go through his routine and sat there pretending we could all do the same if we fancied it.
Then home for a protein drink and then a fry-up.
I want more....I want more!!