Friday, November 21, 2008

This Video is available in full DVD quality at all good Delbert shops.

Starring The Herts Carnival.

See them make no attempt to ride on the first day.

(swimming pool was sooo much better)

See them arse around.

See them try and ride bikes.

See them crash.

See them cross-dressing......ehem...sad but true.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Today is the 150th Aniversary of the Gin and Tonic.

First invented in India in 1858.
Tonic was the drink they used to combat malaria.
(Hence Indian Tonic Water)
The quinine in it made it taste bitter so.........
They had the bright idea of adding Gin to off-set that bitterness.
And bloody good job they made of it too.
I guess they were ..... Very very drunk at the time.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

And home again.

We are all cheesed off to be home.
Here are the pictures that are on Sierra Cycling's website.
All that blue sky..................