Monday, March 23, 2009

Scorchio scorchio

Another lovely day. 25 degrees in torre.

Guess what time it is.

Yes. You guessed. Lunch!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A bit of sun bathing.

Chilling on the beach with greenday on the phones and no one near us. 24 degrees and getting a tan.

Sunday breakfast

Yes. It does look a bit like beer. .;o)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

It's not just me.

Keep the sunburn in the family.

Sun and gin

I know it's not a good look but. . . . A scorched face enjoying a g&t is quite a good feeling.

Anyone for cricket?

Found this mutant cricket having a hop around town. Hola cricket.

Friday, March 20, 2009

13:00 hrs local time.

Oh what a hard life. A large beer and lunch by the sea. 20 degrees and not a cloud in the sky.

7 am. Beer time.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

5 am. Holiday time!

Time to get our lazy asses out of bed and head off to the airport.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

A cheekie midweek Swinley Forest Ride.

What to do.....
A lovely mild and sunny Thursday morning.
Gill and Chris not working.


(Shouts) .. "BIKE RIDE"

Haven't been to Swinley Forest for ages so off we go.
What a hoot.

We must have ridden every trail 3 times over.
(And not JUST because we were lost most of the time).
Loads of short sharp climbs to kill the legs.
Loads of tricky technical downs to make the adreneline flow that bit faster.

One little crash (Chris).
A few near crashes (Chris, Gill and Me).

Perfect riding weather conditions.
Mega fun had by all.
And to cap it off.......
Lunch from the back of the car.

Thanks Gill for the food and drink.
Thanks Chris for driving us.
Best bit of riding I've had in ages.