Monday, March 13, 2006

Suprise visit to Chicksands

Due to a severe weather warning Sunday morning we decided to change riding venues from the Peaks to Chicksands.
The place was deserted and so we took advantage of that to do as many stupid stunts as we could.
There were two stars of the day.
No.1 was Gill who rode more North Shore than ever before.
She cleared all but the final see-saw on the section on top of the hill.
She only missed that because she was so suprised to survive the final skinny section.

No. 2 Was Nicky who after several attempts cleaned that same section and then kept coming back for more.

He had earned his luck earlier on in the day.

Unlike me who rode the log like a seasoned pro every time.
Not every time.

Great fun had by all though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah fame at last!