Wednesday, May 10, 2006 was a good was a bad weekend.

Where to start??
We went to Afan for a long weekend with all our riding buddies.
Staying at the lovely Gelli Farm we planned to ride every day and party every night.
We arived at the farm Friday morning.
Stashed all the luggage and went for a ride.
Great weather. Rather warm and dry.
Back in the evening the rest of the Carnival arived.
Saturday was just as nice.
Rode in the morning and again in the afternoon.
Terry did the traditional BBQ in the evening and we partied on down.
Unfortunately, Terry and son Mark were very ill in the night.
(finger points to Terry's cooking)
Just one of those things really because we were all eating the same food.
Sunday was a bit of a disaster.
I sat on my bike to set off on the next ride and the front hub fell apart.
As I was trying to sort out a wheel from the shop the call went out that Alex had fallen off her bike.
As it turned out after spending the day at A&E she had fractured a bone in her knee and done ligament damage.
We spent the last day at the farm sitting with her and her full leg cast watching DVD's.
We all had a great weekend as usual even if it was a little strange at times.
Next year we plan to go back to CYB and sampple the delights of the Dolgelli (SP) bunk house.

1 comment:

Delbert said...

It's never a chore to sit with you my dear.
How many hours have we played PS2 games and watched films together?
If I hadn't done all that sitting I would only be 26 years old now!