Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A practice road ride.

This Sunday we had a nice little ride to get into the groove ready for the London to Brighton.
We set off for an hour and a half road ride.
Road ride!?
It was a lovely day for once so the ride to the transport cafe was ok if you like roads.
Actually it wasn't bad at all.
We kept to country lanes so were only threatened with "death by Ford Escort" a couple of times.
Lunch was great.
A healthy fry-up.
Most of us rode home off road which was more my cup of tea.
Shame that it had rained solid for about 5 years beforehand and that most of the trails were boggy swamps.
It made a three hour ride into a four hour ride.
(or was that me who slowed up things by having 2 punctures and a broken spoke?)
All was made better after the ride by a jolly good BBQ and plenty to drink.
Many thanks to Haydn for planning the route.
A nice touch was having the ride pass the same church twice to give us different views of it.
And a big thank you to Steve and Tracy for the BBQ afterwards.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah I remember it well that Church in Cottered, I can't believe we really passed it twice!!!