Monday, September 18, 2006

Chicksands it was then.....

After our Chamonix week there were a lot of tired members of the Carnival who could not muster the energy to come ride on Sunday.
A sunny Sunday at Chicksands seemed the best thing to do.
What a lovely day it turned out to be too.
Gill, James and myself rode a quick lap of the XC route while Abbie and Alex had a walk in the woods and looked for wildlife.
I was on the little jump bike so every climb threatened to pop me knees out. (excuses)
Both Gill and James rode the horrible steep climb at the start of the route with no problems.
Then off we went to the freeride area where Mark and Mini were waiting for us.
It was all very quiet in the morning so we took the opportunity to ride the 4 Cross course.
That was great.
All jumps were doubles or tripples, so that slowed us up a bit, but we still had grin factor 10 on each run.
There was a problem for Mark on one of our last runs.
Just as we went round the bottom section I caught sight of Mark landing a double and then coming directy at me balanced on the front wheel.
I thought at the time he was going to take me with as he flew through the air!
"Come on little fella......... can someone take a picture of Mark on my shoulder"
Lucky (for me) he landed just behind me.
Unlucky for him, he later found out he had broken a bone in his hand :O(
We then went on to the dual course and ripped (rolled) that up for half an hour.
Time then to move on to the jump area.
James got some great pictures of the action with his Okie Cokie 2000 whizzo camera.
(He can give you the correct description of it. All I know is that it's a good'n).
Mark was getting some nice big air.
That's the first time he's really joined us in the jumping.
He was looking good and in control (for once).
Gill too was looking good too and getting a lot of air beneath those wheels.
All too soon, 4 hours of fun had passed and it was time to retreat to the carpark and get some food eaten.
Thanks all for another great day out.
Thanks to James for being the photographer.

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