Friday, October 31, 2008

Injury of the week.

Eric turned an ankle and is sat out the rest of the week. Great colour eh?
Poor old fella.
It turned out that he has ligament damage (and very black toes).
The good news was that it was near the end of the week.
The day after this accident 6 of us went out on the wettest, windy and coldest ride I have ever had in Spain.
Mini gave up after 10 mins.
The rest of us pushed on for another hour and a half before calling it a day and ending up in a bar.
Several brandy coffees warmed us up.
We stood there with gallons of water pouring from our clothes onto the bar floor.
He he he he..... Had to be done.
It absolutely pi***d down for the rest of the day.
We had to go and eat and drink for the remainder.
What a hard life.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Group picture.

Time to pose after a big climb.
Just an excuse to put our lungs back into our chests.
This was our last ride before rest day.
Everyone was glad to get to this point and get a good 'ol dose of downhill.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I never booked rain!

The tuesday ride started like this. But by the time we got to the mountains the sun came out. Yay.

The girls

It's always good to see girls serious about their biking.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Look what we found.

Would you believe it?
Up in the hills while riding along we came across this Casa.
We just had to get a picture of Mini-Me with it.
SMALL world eh?
(or a big world if you´re Mini)

The riding starts.

Out on the trails at last.
A great day had by all.
We had a couple of crashes (Nicky and
No harm done though.
Ian and Johnny are the guides.
They seem good guys and happy to throw us down mountains.
It took a little while to get used to the hire bikes but after that it was business as usual.
We had a swim after the ride and then off to stuff our faces and have a beer or two.
...or three or four or five.
It´s a hard life.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Only us.

Here we are saturday afternoon. We are meant to be setting up bikes but we won't leave the pool.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Early start.

4 am and we start off with a beer and some food. Gotta be done.


We are now all finished with work and getting into the holiday mode.
Don't tell anyone but I've just poured a G&T.
The burning question is whether to get a few hours sleep before setting off to the airport.
We have to be off at 02:45hrs.
What would you do?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Norton Green Mini Ride.

Another great day for a ride.
Weather was probably spot on for riding.
Bright and breezy. About 16deg and with the sun somewhere trying to break through.

A few visiting Carnival members joined the ride.
Christine and John turned out. That is the first time we have seen them for ages.
The big news is that they are to get married early next year,

Yayyyy... can I be a bridesmaid?

Mini's next door neighbour John joined in the fun.

Terry turned up with young Joe but minus Debbie.
She has damaged ribs after a crash on last weeks ride.
Get well soon Debs.

The ride was good and fast with a few downhill runs of loose boulders.
Only one crash.

Mini got himself stuck in a rut and off he came.

Young Joe did get it very sideways on one descent.
He hit a big rock and nearly laid it down in front of me.
Lucky for him he didn't go down.
I can only bunny hop about 2" off the ground so he'd be in trouble.

Later in the ride we bumped into Greenhouse Garry and Becky.
We seem to bump into Garry in the most obscure places.
This time he was behind a hedge in a field mending a puncture.
Last time it was at Chicksands.
The time before that in Afan.

A good time had by all.

Was great to see everyone laughing and joking.

It was our last ride before Spain so........
if your not in Spain with us....See you in a couple of weeks.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ladies and Gentlmen.....The ABE Song.

Yo yo yo yo yo....

Nickey and Mark entertain us in Afan.

The Sunday ride before Spain.

This week we are going over to Mini-Me's for a pre-Spain ride over Stevenage.
Mini is going to put his slant on the Norton Green ride.
It's going to be fun and get the legs finely tuned for next week.
Here is Min.

An old Chicksands picture taken by Mickey "Monkey" Michaels.


Friday, October 17, 2008


A once in a lifetime chance to view this classic video.
