Friday, October 31, 2008

Injury of the week.

Eric turned an ankle and is sat out the rest of the week. Great colour eh?
Poor old fella.
It turned out that he has ligament damage (and very black toes).
The good news was that it was near the end of the week.
The day after this accident 6 of us went out on the wettest, windy and coldest ride I have ever had in Spain.
Mini gave up after 10 mins.
The rest of us pushed on for another hour and a half before calling it a day and ending up in a bar.
Several brandy coffees warmed us up.
We stood there with gallons of water pouring from our clothes onto the bar floor.
He he he he..... Had to be done.
It absolutely pi***d down for the rest of the day.
We had to go and eat and drink for the remainder.
What a hard life.

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