Sunday, October 19, 2008

Norton Green Mini Ride.

Another great day for a ride.
Weather was probably spot on for riding.
Bright and breezy. About 16deg and with the sun somewhere trying to break through.

A few visiting Carnival members joined the ride.
Christine and John turned out. That is the first time we have seen them for ages.
The big news is that they are to get married early next year,

Yayyyy... can I be a bridesmaid?

Mini's next door neighbour John joined in the fun.

Terry turned up with young Joe but minus Debbie.
She has damaged ribs after a crash on last weeks ride.
Get well soon Debs.

The ride was good and fast with a few downhill runs of loose boulders.
Only one crash.

Mini got himself stuck in a rut and off he came.

Young Joe did get it very sideways on one descent.
He hit a big rock and nearly laid it down in front of me.
Lucky for him he didn't go down.
I can only bunny hop about 2" off the ground so he'd be in trouble.

Later in the ride we bumped into Greenhouse Garry and Becky.
We seem to bump into Garry in the most obscure places.
This time he was behind a hedge in a field mending a puncture.
Last time it was at Chicksands.
The time before that in Afan.

A good time had by all.

Was great to see everyone laughing and joking.

It was our last ride before Spain so........
if your not in Spain with us....See you in a couple of weeks.


Ponny said...

Hey - is that last photo next to Whitwell Water Tower?
I had a bizarre experience there recently as I rode up the road on my way up to do that little downhill; a load of Mormons emerged sequentially from seemingling random houses and started walking up the hill, coming together on one side of the road, polarised in their mission. Made me think of Children of The Corn for some reason... Here I was, huffing and puffing, cranking away granny-ring style up the road thinking that if one of them ran for me I'd have to give in to them, I'd never have outrun them... :+

Delbert said...

It could well be Johnny Boy.
It was over that direction.
Was hoping you would be able to join the ride.
I guess you were too busy with your new Mormon friends eh?